Beyond the obvious, my name is Shane Clouthier. I started to write creatively when I was just about 7. I think all kids probably do. Not remembering her name, every morning, or at least every week during morning breakfast, I would go to the school library and ask the librarian if she could give me the supplies I needed to make another book. She’d give me some plain white paper, construction paper, and an envelope for checking the book out to attach inside. She would even tell me that my books were still “checked out”. I honestly think she just threw them away.

I am the “original” ShaneThePoet. I first registered this domain name around 2008 after having a long running Blogger (Blogspot) page, and previously a GeoCities page (Remember GeoCities?) called “ShaneThePoeticOne”.

You can find my poems up until 2019 here:

I have always had an immense passion for writing, and it was at the age of 14 that I truly delved into the captivating world of poetry. Whether it was good or bad, it mattered not to me, for my heart poured into every word I wrote. Throughout the years, I have shared my poetic creations for all to enjoy, allowing the artistry to flourish freely online.

I completely understand that the main reason that I write is for personal expression. However, I also recognize the value in sharing them, as I believe they can deeply resonate with others.

If you’d like to “watch” a poem – I have started to add to my TikTok. The words are written from the heart, but spoken by AI. (Unless, someone tells me I should start reading them myself. I am just insecure with my voice)